Copier companies always make a decent size of their revenue based on the amount of money they charge companies for the number of prints they use per month. As a result of this a lot of companies get roped into paying a lot more money than they need for the number of copies they make each month. This is partly due to people treating their print-per-month like some people treat the minutes on their cell phones. They make sure that they have more than enough prints per month and end up spending way too much for this. Here’s an example:
We were working with a business that was paying $500 a month for 80,000 prints, which amounts to an astonishingly low $0.00625 a month. But, the catch is they were only using about 35,000 prints per month which means they were actually paying a much higher $0.0145 a month, because they were paying for 45,000 unused pages every month. We were able to give them an offer of $0.0105 per print for the pages they were actually using and ended up saving them over $1,800 a year.
If your Fort Worth area business is looking for a fair copier contract and wants to work with a company that knows the ins and outs of copiers, please give us a call at (682) 200-2232 and we’d love to work with you.