Getting a new copier lease can be more difficult than most people expect. The right answer isn’t always going to be obvious, so you are going to need to consider your needs before agreeing to anything. They can be daunting contracts, which is why we want to help you figure out what questions to ask and what to pay attention to when signing a lease.
There is always going to be something specific to consider when getting the right solution for your business. We are not able to come up with a comprehensive list, so these questions are just a starting point to get you thinking about what’s important.
- What features do I know I cannot do without?
- Do I need color capabilities?
- How many people will be using my machine?
- How long of a lease am I looking for?
- What does my average print job look like?
It’s also important to pay attention to where most people lose money. Don’t only pay attention to the parts of the lease that you think about important. It’s the areas that people don’t look where they usually get ripped off. Here are some things to keep an eye on before agreeing to a contract.
- Learn about automatic rollover
- Know the common lease lengths and prices
- Find tricks that are common in copier leases
- Understand your responsibilities
- Have a total price breakdown so you understand what you are paying
One of the best ways to get a great copier lease is to work with someone that you trust. That’s why our team at Fort Worth Copier is eager to help you get a great copier lease for your business. Reach out to us today to learn more about getting the right solution for your business needs.