Before you sign a lease, you have to look at the big picture to determine if it will be a good lease for you. There are a lot of things that many business owners miss. For example, does the lease include local taxes or will that be an additional price? The biggest thing when signing a lease is that you have an accurate picture for the total cost of ownership.
You should also ask about the free versus the charged office copier functions. Some of the functions for your copier will normally come free of charge. For example, most companies will not charge for scanning, but you want to double check to guarantee that you will not be hit with surprise costs. You will also want to look at the terms for the lease conclusion. After your lease expires, the most common cost that you will typically be responsible for is return shipping. Nevertheless, you want this cost outlined clearly before signing a lease to avoid paying for a nasty surprise later. You should also look at the auto-renewal clause that your lease could be hiding.