If you own a color copier in Fort Worth, you know how how much supplies can add up. If you’re on a lease and are charged overages for color copies with high coverage, you also know how much color prints can add up. I don’t think most people understand how coverage works, which is why office managers are always asking “how can we have run out of toner already?”
On a color copier or MFP, coverage is determined (almost always) on the industry average of 20%. 20% coverage on your color copies sounds reasonable…however, this 20% does NOT mean 20% of the page in full color! Coverage is a combined total of all four colors at 5% each, which is actually very little color. It looks like this:
5% Black
5% Cyan
5% Magenta
5% yellow
Total: 20%
Most pages that are full color are actually around 140% coverage. This number can be higher depending on the shade and size of the color image. So, if you’re wondering why that 12,000 page Magenta toner cartridge actually only printed 2,900 pages, don’t call your toner dealer and give it to them because the cartridge was a lemon! If you’re buying OEM cartridges for your color copier in Fort Worth, it just means your copies are very high coverage.
Here’s what this means for you: if you’re nearing the end of your lease, make sure you don’t have cover overage charges in your contract. Or, if you own a color copier and color costs are killing you, you may be better off selling your color copier and buying a more efficient model. Color copiers in Fort Worth can pay for themselves very quickly if you currently own a model with expensive supplies. Give us a call for a breakdown of your current copier costs along with a quote for a more efficient color copier in Fort Worth.