If you have a copier which has come out of contract and you are purchasing toner, you have probably been tempted to buy compatibles for your copier in Fort Worth. Generally, for your printers, we would say it makes sense to buy compatibles, but for copiers we have a different idea.
Compatibles are a bad thing for copiers because the savings is so low. If you have a Kyocera 5035 copier, for instance, maybe the cartridge for 40,000 pages is $119.00 If you get a compatible for $89, you’d be doing well. Is it seriously worth $30 to try and save a bit? If it is to you, good luck, just make sure the cartridge manufacturer will cover your copier in case it blows up inside the machine.
We do have techs here in Fort Worth. So, if you need a copier, please let us know! We would like to work with you, we have just seen some mechanical problems from some people trying to save a few bucks and wanted to let you know it’s probably not the best idea.